Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Snow

Last night it snowed the first snow... yes the first of many here. And there's just something about it. Something magical . I was at work when billowy cotton seemed to rain from the sky & I felt like a kid again. I wanted to press my face against the window & loudly announce that something wonderful was happening & invite everyone to take a look. But alas, this wasn't my second grade class room... So I refrained... refrained with a smile.
 See I don't know if I really, actually love snow or if I just love the nostalgia of it all... the way it changes things, even if just for an hour or so. I love how it reminds us to look, to see our world with new eyes. I love the transformation that takes place. I love cuddling down in your warm home while looking out an icy window pane. I love the way snow falling stills & quiets our other wise chaotic world. I love how it entices play in the hearts of the most serious. And I love that it manipulates an otherwise ordinary walk into a romantic stroll, right out of a classic movie.
Yes the first snow & my first blog entry... it seemed fitting. I don't know how much I have to say, that anyone, anywhere will care to read... or if this blogging thing is my thing, but I thought it was worth a go. My plan here is..... honestly, I don't really have one. I just want to be real, to be me & to be able to look back on this journey. And like a first snow, I hope I inspire those around me to see the world with new eyes....