Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Trip, A Choice.

Last week I took a little journey to Portland OR.... I'm from Portland & still think of it as home, even though it's been roughly eleven years since I have actually lived there.
 As the plane descended through thick clouds, I was amazed by the GREEN! Yet again, I always am. Living in "colorful Colorado" doesn't always live up to it's name & while beautiful, it's often brown, brown & brown... So yes, green had me excited.... easily amused. The patches of land looked like a lovely quilt, stretched as far as the eye could see, the Columbia river winding through the earth. The plane landed and we were greeted with rain... and I felt home.
Taking this trip served as a stone with two birds to kill.... Not really a bird killing kind of girl... lets say, it served as a stone with two snakes to kill ( I really hate those things and can totally stomach the idea of there being a few less of them).... snake one: I haven't seen my family there in almost two years, so it was long over due to pay a visit and snake two: here's the kicker. I'm thinking about moving out there to go to school and wanted to check out a few I have been considering. The thought of this scares the absolute crap outta me... bluntly speaking of course.
So that's what I did... I killed those nasty snakes... I fulfilled my tasks. I visited with family, we laughed, cried, we drank wine... And I visited schools and talked logistics.. It was a great trip. But now I'm home and thinking... thinking about what's to come. Understanding that what's to come is determined by a choice. My choice. And I'm scared. I'm scared to make the wrong one.
So I guess it's prayer time... and a serious Pros & Cons list. I don't know what's to come, or where I will be living in a year, but I'm going to trust. I'm going to trust that somewhere, somehow I am going to make a decision, and it's going to be the right one... a trip, a choice. To be continued I suppose.

And because every post is way more fun with a pictures here's some of a vineyard my Aunty Gwen, Cousin Niki & my G-ma visited...

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